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Reach out to us and we will get back to you shortly.

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What is PHSFHCA?

The PHSFHCA is the Pennsylvania High School Field Hockey Coaches Association.The main purpose of the PHSFHCA is to promote field hockey throughout the state. The membership numbers over 150+ coaches. Major projects undertaken include selection of high school all-state teams.  The PHSFHCA also advocates for field hockey with the PIAA.


How do I join?

There are different levels of Memberships available to apply for through the Application that can be downloaded off this website via the main menu. We have 3 voting memberships ( High School Head Coach and Assistant Coach, Junior High Coach) and 2 non-voting memberships (Associate and Patron). You will need to send the completed form and payment to our committee via the instructions on the form.  Memberships MUST be renewed each year to be active in any and all nominations. 


Join by completing the online form and payment on the Membership page.


* Memberships are due by September 15th of each membership year.


How do I nominate my athletes for an All State award?

Only High School Coaches that are current members of the PHSFHCA can nominate athletes for any All State awards. Coach members must attend one of the two bi-yearly meetings (fall and spring) during the membership period to be eligible to nominate athletes the following season. 


I am attending a bi-yearly meeting via a virtual link, what should I expect?

We ask that you do your best to adhere to the following virtual meeting etiquette  guidelines:

  • please come on time, there will be a 5 minute grace period incase of technical issues. (please download the meeting software/app beforehand as this may need more time to download and set-up.

  • We plan to project all virtual attendees via a large screen, so please come presentable in the same way that you would for an in-person meeting.

  • We will have a 'camera on' policy, so please engage in the meeting and do not be a distraction to other attendees.

  • We expect virtual attendees to be respectful and listening to other participants that are talking, so please stay muted until you would like to speak.

  • Do not leave the room during the meeting unless absolutely necessary, stay seated and stay present. we ask this of all attendees regardless of if they are virtual or in-person. 

  • A member of the media team will be monitoring virtual attendees, please do not abuse this option, as members will be making notes for future meetings.


We have tried to lay out  guidelines that will hold both in person and virtual meetings attendees to the same level of respect. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out via email or question box on the site. 

Field Hockey Court

Thank-you Coaches!

interested in becoming a PHSFHCA member ?

Check out the membership application under the Home tab to apply. 

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